Creating lively texture in oceans

Oceans are a great opportunity to create lively texture on maps.

Texture with waves

Gutiérrez's Map Of Americae (1562)

In this map by Diego Gutiérrez in 1562 map texture becomes the representation of ocean waves. The movement of the water makes it a great piece of art. The waves are designed to relate to the actual height of waves encountered, with the wave action reducing along the coast of South America and the Gulf of Mexico.

Gutiérrez's Map Of Americae (1562) close up

Here Tavernier' Description Du Pays Armorique A Pres Bretaigne (1594) available from the Library of Congress showing how a stippling technique has nicely offset and balanced the ocean with the land. The ocean�s nothingness has become visually full of life so that the overall tone of each balance each other, but are still separated by contrast.

Tavernier's Map - Description Du Pays Armorique A Pres Bretaigne (1594)

Simple gradated lines or waves near the shoreline can add interesting texture, also...

J Rapkin - Map of Egypt, 1851 Powell - Map of Linguistic Stocks of American IndiansMap texture in thematic maps
Adding texture to your political or other thematic maps will make them stand apart.

Make map features stand out with negative space
Create negative space that pops out at the viewer. Removing texture for features you want to draw attention to. Add texture to make secondary features recede in the background.